Learn to incorporate your little one into your Yoga practice in a fun and friendly way with Yoga Borne Mom & Baby Yoga.

Stretch out the body, calm the mind, and learn some simple sequences and tools that are perfect for when you are short on time.

More than just a Yoga class, Mom & Baby Yoga is a wonderful space to meet other moms, share experiences, and both find and offer support and encouragement!

A 45 minute practice suitable for postpartum, including mindfulness, guided meditation and all important relaxation.

Then 15 minutes afterwards to have a cuppa and sweet treat whilst you socialise with the other moms and babies - if you wish!

A welcoming and supportive space to move, breathe deeply, and connect with yourself and your baby.



This class does not put an age restriction on babies attending, as they will of course all develop in their own unique timeframe.

What we do advise is that baby is not yet fully mobile, so that you can enjoy the time with them but not have to spend it chasing them around the studio!

Our studio is fully equipped, we have a selection of toys available plus a travel changing mat.

Please feel free to bring along anything for comfort for you and your baby.

Our space is completely welcoming to you feeding your little one, and you will be encouraged to both interact with them and also allow them some space whilst you take a little time to focus on yourself.

To the world you might be a mum, but to your baby you are their whole world.
— Anon

Your guide Karine is an experienced Yoga teacher, Reiki healer, and trained Women's Wellbeing space holder / facilitator.

You will be required to fill in a short studio waiver and initial wellbeing form prior to attending the class.

We ask that you have received the go ahead from your doctor or medical professional to practice Yoga.

Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the class start time to settle yourself in.

Tea and snacks will be provided, and you are more than welcome to rest and adapt the practice as works for you!

This class is limited in capacity to ensure that everyone can feel seen, heard, and supported.

If you have any questions please drop an email to for attention of Karine.


“Drop in” bookings can be made via the Glofox app, or the website booking page.

Course bookings can be made via the Glofox app under “courses” or via the Yoga Borne shop.

Just click the links below!